
Abstract, Art, creativity, expression

In the bohemian mind.

 Art philosophy and perception, delving into the depths of art and its meaning. This article “In the Bohemian Mind” portrays a different outlook on art and its depth with our connectedness as intelligent life. Art is the way to undiscovered lands in our souls and depths with emotional flare … Sitting on a bench facing the river and waving with it sounds alone at night, the bohemian mind is searching for inspiration across the land living in moment and moving with the forces of life, a question has surfaced with the soft sound of small waves clashing, yet they were as well of his thoughts, ” What’s the depth for my art, and further what depth of the human mind can art portray?”. A journey started with a question forging a way to the wonderland. Before we go through that I should answer a question you didn’t ask but you need to know the answer, which is; why art? And why you should care in the first place? I’m not going to give you a historical and empirical view of why art takes a place in our lives but rather, I will give you the experience of art and its philosophy. We naturally communicate our thoughts and what we feel through speech and language using our bodies to convey these meanings yet we can’t say anything that crosses our minds, except for that miracle friend who just says it all with no shame, they are truly an exception but back to my point; there are things we don’t know how to convey nor see clearly anyways and I’m not talking about things we can’t convey because we lack the technical skills to do so or lack the knowledge for or simply the lack of vocabulary in our arsenal. But rather things we can’t easily understand and take part in our imagination and play a part of our lives whether we know it or not. What is art all about? Art is an expression for our creative minds and a play, you could say it’s a universal language of feelings, ideas, philosophies… a bridge for us to convey what’s hidden if we dare or portray beauty as we see it or a message we can’t say out loud. It’s like the feeling of unease when we expect something bad will happen, the whirlwind of our thoughts when we indulge in our fears, or the floating feeling when we think too much… They are all complex feelings that are hard to convey, you probably sitting at the other side thinking, and art is the way to do that … You are probably right, but actually, we can somehow communicate these feelings through imagination and a spark of creativity to the friend who listened to our stories and has glimpses of us in his mind. Let’s go deeper, what about things that affect us but we are un -aware of?! That’s a catch and it’s tricky, like a trauma or a fact that we considered as truth for us and it’s not, what about parts of our former selves that didn’t burn when we changed and leached dysfunctionally taking only space? How can you express what you don’t see? You might say, that is what art is for? I would say maybe and as a matter of fact, art is an expression of the mind and the feelings of the heart and yet we don’t come across a whole of that often as you need a specific setup for it and a lead but reflective images are fun, when you paint the feeling of an image that crosses your mind. And sometimes the feelings are strong and the painting is a congruent image in structure and idea. I can only say that art is an expression of the genius mind and genius by definition is seeing a target nobody else sees … through its different forms and acts, that’s art for me. What is art for you? Anyways, why would that matter after all you don’t get your problems resolved after you have looked at a certain painting or magic spurs into your life or things start moving around?! Well, definitely not to your eyes but maybe to your heart and mind… Let me tell you a story about magic that moves around us and we don’t always notice its effect like the nice compliment someone told you or the joke that made your day.. that magic heals and so does the magic of art, sometimes we heal just when we feel connected and touched by exposure to our wounds, we are most alive when we felt heard and seen and art offer consoles for our mended hearts whether you are the artist or the viewer of the art. The experience of the viewer is unique rather than the view of the artist and that is because the artist is occupied with the performance and the details and will often focus on his/her mistakes or the emotions that come with it. The viewer projects his view and emotions on the art and in this case, I’m going to take paintings to set the example, the viewer looks at a painting with his unique vision and if it sparks something within him or aligns with a question in his mind, giving motion to a feeling or showing allegiance to a creed or a thought or inspiration for creation and more… Creation brings up more creation and thus infinity. The viewer gives the art meaning separately from the meaning of the art itself and art tends to portray a message often that is in the intention of the artist to do so. And sometimes it’s just a beauty or luxury and this is my least favorite type. Still, why should you care about all of that? You shouldn’t simply. Should or need doesn’t work with art as it’s in us already, we just need to ignite it first, it’s ourselves that we seek in

Abstract, Art, creativity, expression, Freedom., painting

Discover the Hidden Magic of Abstract Art: Lenses for Exploring the Unknown

Discover the Hidden Magic of Abstract Art: Lenses for Exploring the Unknown Welcome to the world of abstract art! Abstract art has a way of transporting us to another realm, where creativity and imagination collide to create something truly magical. It is a form of expression that allows the artist to break free from the constraints of reality and explore the depths of their own mind. Abstract art offers us a new way of seeing the world, inviting us to put on our imagination lenses and discover the hidden magic all around us. So, if you’re ready to embark on a journey of endless possibilities and explore the unknown, join us as we delve into the captivating world of abstract art and its transformative power.  Unearthing the hidden magic of abstract art  Abstract art has the unique ability to uncover hidden magic in the most unexpected places. Each stroke of the brush and every splash of color holds a secret waiting to be discovered. As we embark on this journey of exploration, we will dive deep into the enigmatic world of abstract art, peeling back the layers of each masterpiece to reveal its hidden meanings.  Prepare to be amazed as we unravel the mystery behind the seemingly random shapes and lines, and uncover the emotions and stories that lie beneath the surface. Abstract art is a language of its own, speaking to us in ways that words cannot express. Get ready to open your heart and mind to the limitless possibilities that abstract art has to offer. Join us as we unlock the hidden magic and let our imagination run wild.  getting lost in the unknown  As we continue our exploration of abstract art and the hidden magic it holds, it’s important to remember one thing – don’t be afraid to get lost in the unknown. Abstract art invites us to step outside our comfort zones and embrace the uncertainty that comes with venturing into uncharted territory. It allows us to release our preconceived notions and expectations, and truly immerse ourselves in the beauty of the unknown. So, let go of fear and dive headfirst into the abyss of colors, shapes, and textures. Embrace the chaos and let it guide you towards a new level of understanding and appreciation. Remember, the joy lies not in finding the answers, but in the journey of exploration itself. So, take a leap of faith and let the hidden magic of abstract art carry you away on a wondrous adventure. Photo by Quinn Buffing on Unsplash Taking a different perspective: lenses for exploring abstract art  One of the most exciting aspects of exploring the hidden magic of abstract art is the opportunity to view it from different perspectives. Just as a lens can change the way we see the world, adopting different lenses can open up new dimensions and depths to abstract art.  One lens we can use is the lens of emotion. Abstract art has the incredible ability to evoke emotions without needing a clear narrative or representation. By focusing on the emotions that arise within us when we look at an abstract artwork, we can embark on a personal journey of self-discovery and introspection. Another lens we can utilize is the lens of intuition. Abstract art encourages us to tap into our intuitive selves and trust our inner voice. By allowing our instincts to guide us, we can uncover the hidden meanings and messages that lie beneath the layers of colors and shapes. Lastly, we can employ the lens of curiosity. Approach abstract art with an open mind and an insatiable curiosity. Ask questions, explore different interpretations, and embrace the adventure of not knowing all the answers. By approaching abstract art with curiosity, we create space for endless possibilities and discoveries. Remember, the beauty of abstract art lies not only in its visual appeal but also in the limitless lenses through which we can explore and interpret it. So, let’s put on our adventurous lenses and embark on a journey of discovery in the mysterious world of abstract art!   Embracing the freedom and imagination that abstract art offers is another lens through which we can explore the hidden magic of this art form. As it allows us to break free from the constraints of reality and enter a realm where our imagination can run wild. In abstract art, there are no rules or boundaries that dictate how a painting should look or what it should represent. The artist’s brushstrokes, colors, and textures come together to create a visual symphony that invites us to interpret and engage with the artwork in our own unique way. When we approach abstract art with an open mind and a willingness to let our imagination roam, we enter a world of endless possibilities. We can let the artwork speak to us and evoke vivid images, emotions, and stories that are entirely our own. By embracing the freedom and imagination that abstract art offers, we tap into our innate creativity and explore the depths of our own imagination. It’s a joyful and liberating experience to let our minds wander and create connections between the artwork and our own thoughts and experiences. So, let go of preconceived notions and embrace the playful and imaginative nature of abstract art. Allow yourself to be swept away by the brushstrokes, colors, and forms, and let your imagination take flight. In this realm of boundless creativity, you’ll discover the true essence and hidden magic of abstract art. But let’s not forget that some paintings scream louder than others and here comes the role of the artist to orchestrate his artwork landing a bridge for the viewer to his world of creation with ambiguity and mysterious signs.  Abstract art as a tool for self-expression  Abstract art serves as a powerful tool for self-expression, offering a unique lens through which we can explore and express our own emotions, thoughts, and experiences. We find a safe space to convey our innermost feelings without the constraints of

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