Art, expression, Healing, Self-discovery

The intricacy of art depth

Art is a mirror reflecting the depths of the human experience, a language that transcends the boundaries of words. It possesses the remarkable ability to convey emotions, provoke self-discovery, and connect us to the concealed facets of our souls. In its diverse forms and complex mediums, art becomes the vessel through which we unearth the unfathomable, expressing the inexpressible Photo by Alexander Grey Art portrays what words can’t convey that which touches our depths, taking us on a journey of self-discovery, and attaches us to the parts we lost touch with or hindered its progress in its complex elements and variant mediums and tools. Art, when perfected, makes the artwork fluid in its message and inspiration, art for me was always a way to express what I can’t understand and contemplate using colors and imagination or taking inspiration to manifest beauty on canvas or wisdom in colors or greatness in-depth, it’s versatile and I could say infinite yet you wouldn’t want to express everything that is but everything that touches your soul and has resonance in your storyline or where you stand right now, it’s all connected like an invisible web you can’t see knocking you on your seat to stand in front of a painting or a piece of music sensing how it’s moving something in you and a question starts whirling a round your mind until it finally rises up saying what do you feel now? You come up with an answer connecting yourself with the work of art and witness how it moves your heart, what emotions were you feeling? What strings have been stroked playing a rhythm inside of your heart? Leaving you an intricate play of thoughts flowing with emotions like the strokes on the strings swaying with that rhythm until you dissolve and become one with it dancing yet you are the only one hearing the music because it’s yours and only you have all the elements of its composure. Art is a universal language that everyone speaks because its emotions are pictured in many different ways to tell you a story and take you apart with it because art isn’t selfish nor private but a collective experience of each unique story that draws itself upon it. Photo by Lisa Fotios Words my words What can’t you tell me about? The mysteries that are hidden inside The dreams that never lie The stories that happened over lifetimes The pain that hid inside The dark side that hasn’t seen the sunlight The traumas of the past The trapped emotions that bubbled up I can’t tell you what I can’t see, Said the words. I can only lead you its way, the way where it’s waiting for you to see…. Art is us and we love what is ours and looks like us, it’s just how we are and we can appreciate what doesn’t look like us and love it the same or more, for love is infinite in its giving while we are the lock for that stream and so is art, we hinder ourselves from becoming what we are essentially when we go back to square one; beauty, joy, fun, curiosity, and adventure, that’s our square one before everything … Art is our way home, our healing path and remedy for the wounded soul, the alchemize of pain into beauty and resolve, Will you take the journey to our home with me? Whether you are an artist or you love art, the journey home takes us all, you might ask how it would do that… Each one has his own unique way home and art is the emblem of change and light to that way. Art will open that door and welcome you on the road and the next door reaching depths of yourself that you didn’t dream about existing. Contemplating a good piece of music and the emotions it evokes will awake your senses and adapt your taste to its match, The same goes for a good painting or a good novel… the difference lies in the effect and areas of effect; For instance, a novel would help us read through different perspectives and influence our imagination to predict and analyze the characters at play adding something to your character while a piece of music will evoke senses and thoughts inside your mind and change your mood and maybe even your thinking at once and paintings would amuse your eyes and spark your imagination to create a story line with colors giving live emotions permitting life to move through you. As Dostoevsky once said: “Beauty will save the world” These words came from someone who suffered his whole life and faced many difficulties and to say this in his old age seemed ridiculous but if we think about it, that’s the way we always progressed and moved forward that is to escape the ugliness of wars, famines, and crimes… it may sound like utopia and it maybe is yet we always dreamt about it in the form of a question we asked at one point, What if everyone was good? What if the world is good? Can the world be good? All these questions are aiming us toward the thing we longed for our entire life … That is our true selves, the square one, whatever you want to call it but for me, I would like to name it as Nature.  Photo by Valeriia Miller I will leave with a random beautiful photo of a peacock to remind you that beauty exists and that we sometimes overlook it or underlook it, whatever might be the case, I want to remind you that is beauty and the best service we can do to each other is to remind each other on who we truly are so we can make the life we deserve.